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    Landscaping soil troubles in Phoenix is a really normal problem, we are living in a desert, what it is bulk density is an indicator of soil compaction. It is calculated as the dry weight of soil divided by its volume. This volume includes the volume of soil particles and the volume of pores among soil particles. Bulk density is typically expressed in g/cm3.

    Soil density why it is important?

    Bulk density reflects the soil’s ability to function for structural support, water and solute movement, and soil aeration. Bulk densities above thresholds in the table below indicate impaired function. Bulk density is also used to convert between weight and volume of soil. It is used to express soil physical, chemical and biological measurements on a volumetric basis for soil quality assessment and comparisons between management systems. This increases the validity of comparisons by removing error associated with differences in soil density at time of sampling.

    Landscaping service Phoenix fix soil

    Soil Texture Ideal bulk densities for plant growth (g/cm3) Bulk densities that restrict root growth (g/cm3)
    Sandy < 1.60 > 1.80
    Silty < 1.40 > 1.65
    Clayey < 1.10 > 1.47

    Specific problems that might be caused by poor function: High bulk density is an indicator of low soil porosity and soil compaction. It may cause restrictions to root growth, and poor movement of air and water through the soil. Compaction can result in shallow plant rooting and poor plant growth, influencing crop yield and reducing vegetative cover available to protect soil from erosion. By reducing water infiltration into the soil, compaction can lead to increased runoff and erosion from sloping land or waterlogged soils in flatter areas. In general, some soil compaction to restrict water movement through the soil profile is beneficial under arid conditions, but under humid conditions compaction decreases yields.

    The following practices can lead to poor bulk density:

    • Consistently plowing or disking to the same depth,
    • Allowing equipment traffic, especially on wet soil,
    • Using a limited crop rotation without variability in root structure or rooting depth,
    • Incorporating, burning, or removing crop residues,
    • Overgrazing forage plants, and allowing development of livestock loafing areas and trails, and
    • Using heavy equipment for building site preparation or land smoothing and leveling.

    What you can do: Any practice that improves soil structure decreases bulk density; however, in some cases these improvements may only be temporary. For example, tillage at the beginning of the growing season temporarily decreases bulk density and disturbs compacted soil layers, but subsequent trips across the field by farm equipment, rainfall events, animals, and other disturbance activities can recompact soil.

    On cropland, long-term solutions to bulk density and soil compaction problems revolve around decreasing soil
    disturbance and increasing soil organic matter. A system that uses cover crops, crop residues, perennial sod, and/or reduced tillage results in increased soil organic matter, less disturbance and reduced bulk density. Additionally, the use of multi-crop systems involving plants with different rooting depths can help break up compacted soil layers.

    To reduce the likelihood of high bulk density and compaction:

    • Minimize soil disturbance and production activities when soils are wet,
    • Use designated field roads or rows for equipment traffic,
    • Reduce the number of trips across the area,
    • Subsoil to disrupt existing compacted layers, and
    • Use practices that maintain or increase soil organic matter.

    Grazing systems that minimize livestock traffic and loafing, provide protected heavy use areas, and adhere to recommended minimum grazing heights reduce bulk density by preventing compaction and providing soil cover.

    Conservation practices resulting in bulk density favorable to soil function include:

    • Conservation Crop Rotation
    • Cover Crop
    • Deep Tillage
    • Prescribed Grazing
    • Residue and Tillage Management

    For more information go to Soil Management Practices.

    Measuring bulk density:

    The Cylindrical Core Method is described in the Soil Quality Test Kit Guide, Section I, Chapter 4, pp. 9 – 13.
    See Section II, Chapter 3, pp. 57 – 58 for interpretation of results.

    Arshad M.A., Lowery B., and Grossman B. 1996. Physical Tests for Monitoring Soil Quality. In: Doran J.W.,
    Jones A.J., editors. Methods for assessing soil quality. Madison, WI. p 123-41.

    Each article provides an overview of a management practice that affects soil quality, including why the practice is used, why some may not adopt it, how soil is affected, and how to implement it.

    Go to the Soil Problem-Solving Guide to address a specific problem.

    More articles coming soon on these practices that affect soil quality…

    Buffer strips, contour strips
    Double cropping
    Green manures
    Manure management
    Residue management
    Soil biology
    Trap crops
    Weed Management

    Landscaping Soil Tools

    Researchers have developed practical tools to assess how management practices affect soil quality and ecosystem function.

    The best choice of the available tools will depend on:

    • the specific soil-quality assessment and land-use objectives
    • the time, money, and skills available to collect data

    Because dynamic soil quality indicators vary widely with soil, universal calibration of soil quality indicators is not generally possible. One cannot take a sample, analyze it and interpret it independently; rather one must rely on comparative data for interpretation that includes:

    • long-term measurement of indicators from the same site or soil type
    • laboratory characterization data
    • published research results from NRCS databases
    • even hypothetical data for “what-if” scenarios

    soil quality tool development

    Practical tools for soil quality assessment should

    • be accurate, simple to use and meaningful
    • be site-specific
    • have standards and guidelines for interpretation

    In general, the development of soil quality assessment tools has followed a paradigm for sustainability they are:

    • issue driven – soil degradation fuels development
    • research based – sound science backs up indicator and index development
    • end-user in mind – input has been sought to increase utility.

    tool accuracy graph

    Because the constraints for a farmer are different from a researcher, and because opinion is mixed on which indicators or suites of indicators are the most useful, researchers have proposed a wide range of soil quality assessment methodologies. Several different types of tools have been or are being developed. Each type of tool has a different level of accuracy, appropriate spatial scale, and intended use.

    Qualitative Scorecards

    provide lists of observable soil indicators (often developed by farmers) that are qualitatively evaluated by land managers repeatedly over time to monitor changes in quality. Visit the NRCS Soil Quality web site for more information on qualitative scorecards and state examples.

    Field Test Kits – refers to any suite of in-field soil tests conducted by land managers to provide semi-quantitative data. Kits have been developed in the U.S., New Zealand and Australia. See Soil Quality Test Kit for more information and support tools.

    Lab-based assessments – assessments based on indicators requiring more specialized equipment or more precise measurement than possible with field test kits, such as microbial biomass carbon, soil test phosphorus or potentially mineralizable nitrogen. These include the Soil Management Assessment Framework available at this web site and the Cornell Soil Health Assessment.

    Practice Predictors

    Use research outcomes to predict the effects of management practices on soil quality. The NRCS Soil and Water Eligibility Tool (SWET) is an example of this type of tool.

    Landscape-level assessments

    use satellite and remote sensing technology to assess resource quality at large spatial scales. Using remote sensing to predict soil carbon storage is one possible use for this type of assessment.

    Multi-factor sustainability tools, which combine environmental, economic and social indicators, are a logical outgrowth from soil quality assessment of agroecosystems due to the important relationship between soil quality and sustainability. These include a proposed Sustainability Index.

    Soil is formed when rock

    Broken down by climate, organisms, and vegetation over a period of time. It is made up of weathered rock fragments and decaying remains of plants and animals (organic matter). It also contains varying amounts of air, water, and micro-organisms. It furnishes mechanical support and nutrients for growing plants. Most Arizona soils developed under desert or scrub vegetation. However, because of the wide variation in elevation and climatic conditions found throughout the state there are wide differences in the types of soil profiles found. Interesting, only tropical soils are not found within Arizona. Important physical properties of a soil is color, texture, structure, drainage, depth, and surface features. These properties can vary greatly in one’s own backyard. The color of the soil can be a good indicator of drainage. Red/brown soils usually indicate good drainage while yellow soils have medium drainage and gray soils usually have poor drainage.

    Here in the High Desert, we have alkaline soils. The relative acidity or alkalinity of soils is expressed as pH, which is a measure of the relative number of free hydrogen ions. The pH scale goes from 1 through 14, with 1 being the most acid and 14 being most alkaline, and 7 being neutral. Each number represents a tenfold change in acidity or alkalinity. For example, a soil with the pH of 9 is ten times more alkaline than one with a pH of 8. Generally, soils are acidic where it receives more than 20 inches of rainfall in a year. Areas with less than 20 inches of rainfall in a year, such as the High Desert where average rainfall is between 12-16 inches, the soils are alkaline. This is due to the calcium carbonate content of the soil which is not leached through the soil because of our limited rainfall.

    Why is this important to the gardener?

    Because we need to learn to work with the soil on our property. It is much easier and cost effective to work with Mother Nature than against her. Gardeners in Cochise County can pursue two possible strategies. The first is to attempt to alter the pH of the soil by the use of amendments so they can grow acid-loving plants. To illustrate what amending the soil would take lets assume that a cubic foot of soil weighs 100 pounds and has a 1 percent calcium carbonate content. This means that there would be one pound of calcium carbonate present. It takes one pound of sulfuric acid or its equivalent to neutralize one pound of calcium carbonate. Therefore, to decrease soil pH from alkaline to neutral or acid it would require equal mixing of one pound or equivalent of sulfuric acid throughout the cubic foot of soil. If the soil had 10 percent of calcium carbonate then 10 pounds of sulfuric acid or its equivalent would be needed to neutralize the soil! The second choice is to go native and grow plants that are adapted to our soils. Not only do these plants grow well in our High Desert soils but they are adept to cope with harsh climate conditions of heat, wind, and drought. There are also many non-native adapted plants which do well in Maricopa county.

    Although attempts to lower the pH of soils can be successful in the short term, they require repeated additions of amendments to maintain the change in pH. Ultimately the gardener will lose to Nature. The best strategy is to leave the soil pH alone and plant those plants that are adapted to the soils of our area.

    What’s Gardening Like In The low desert?

    “Different” is the first word that comes to mind-followed by “frustrating” and “rewarding” in about equal measure. Almost everything about gardening in the low desert is different, from the soil to the sunlight to the planting dates to what you plant. Some differences are good; some aren’t.

    Elsewhere a rubber tree is an indoor plant; the one outside my window is house-high and trying to take over my front walk. Bougainvillea, hibiscus and jacaranda all decorate front yards on my block. I have several thriving pepper plants that are approaching the five-year mark; I harvest my first peppers in March, about the time I set out my last tomato plants. My grape vines and peach trees set fruit in mid-April. If I’m lucky I may harvest my own bananas in a couple of years.

    On the other hand, seed catalogs are terminally disappointing. I’ve learned to skip from the colorful pictures to the U.S.D.A. hardiness zones and check those first. Then I scan the copy for clues as to why a wonderful new find won’t grow here. Many beautiful and useful plants — among them cherries, blueberries, tulips, daffodils and peonies — simply cannot take the heat and dryness. Even many of the subtropicals that enliven gardens in other Zone 9 areas often won’t survive here.

    When it comes to plants I have learned never to say “never.” Someone somewhere always manages to grow the most unlikely things in the desert. Even acid-loving, cool-temperature plants have been successfully nurtured by gardeners of my acquaintance. While I admire their fortitude, I think they’re working way too hard. It is easier and more satisfactory to admit we’re different and go from there.

    Most of our notions about gardening arose in England or the eastern United States. The farther you move away from those conditions, the more you have to adapt. Scheduling vegetable crops, for example, can be just plain backwards in the desert. Winter is the only time to grow lettuce and other cold-weather crops. So-called warm-weather crops — tomatoes, eggplant, peppers — stop setting fruit when the daytime temperature climbs over 100 degrees, as it does for five months out of the year here in Phoenix, Arizona. Peppers, tomatoes and eggplants are set out in February or March in semi-shaded locations and nursed through the summer. Spring and fall are the big fruits hanging on through the summer. Even melons, the ultimate heat lovers, must be handled delicately. If you don’t shade the developing fruit it will scald under our blazing summer sun.

    Pests are a good-news, bad-news proposition. Many of the diseases and insects that plants face in other areas simply don’t exist here. However, like everything else in the desert, the pests we do have are tough and adaptable.

    Currently my nemesis is the whitefly, primarily a houseplant or greenhouse pest elsewhere. Here it is a common summer pest of just about everything outdoors. In Phoenix we’ve recently encountered a race of whiteflies that’s immune to most pesticides. Soap sprays help, but only somewhat.

    Various caterpillars also flourish in the long-season climate. In addition to cabbage loopers and tomato hornworms, we have some indigenous types. For example, the aptly named grape leaf skeletonizer hatches out of an innocuous-looking egg cluster on the bottom of a grape leaf. The caterpillars march across the leaf, eating it down to a skeleton, then divide and conquer the rest of the leaves. They can strip a grapevine bare of leaves in just a few days. Fortunately Bacillus thuringiensis works as well in the desert as anywhere else.

    Then there are the exotics, such as the 4-inch Palo Verde beetle, which bores holes into trees to lay eggs that hatch into grubs. Those grubs can grow up to 6 inches long and an inch thick, equipped with jaws that can chew through solid wood. You don’t even want to know what they can do to tree roots. Wise gardeners check the base of trees for the characteristic holes.

    Low desert soils may have a high clay content

    low organic material content (less than 1%) and a high pH (meaning the soil is very alkaline). The high clay content helps the soil to retain water and nutrients. This sounds great, but that same clay also compacts easily, can be void of vital oxygen, and can make it difficult to dig planting holes. At the other end of the spectrum, you may have sandy soils, which like clay soils have very contain little organic matter and do not retain moisture. Soils are nearly impossible to change. The likelihood you will be able change your soil texture is pretty slim. The best plan when designing your landscape is to choose plants that have evolved in the desert and are adapted to our soils. Trying to grow a plant that prefers the loose, acidic soils found back east will only end in frustration for you and death for the plant.

    Organic soil amendments can improve the nutrient content, the water holding capacity and improve water penetration. Adding organic material to the backfill of planting holes was long been believed to help establish new plants. This is no longer recommended. Incorporating organic material into our soils can actually have a detrimental effect on many desert plants. Organic material is best used on the soil surface as a mulch both as a temperature and moisture regulator, and to reduce weed growth.  The mulch material should be spread around plants, about two-inches deep, out to the drip line.  Be careful not to put the organic material directly against the trunk or stems of the plant.

    Organic material comes in many forms

    Compost – can be made at home from vegetable waste or leaves or purchased at  a nursery and has a low nutrient content but improves water holding capacity.

    Manure – use manure only from plant eating animals such as cows, sheep, horses, rabbits and chickens.  It needs to be well aged (six months to a year) or it could damage your plants’ roots with its high salt content.

    Leaves – best if composted first, but if you have leave drop in your yard, consider leaving it under your plants rather than raking it up. Leaves contain nutrients that are important for a plant’s health.

    Bark Products – you can obtain this material from your local nursery or garden center.  The ground bark pieces eventually interlock and will not be disturbed by the wind.  Bark could be used as a total landscape cover in place of crushed granite.

    A hardpan soil layer causes gardeners much grief. Hardpan is created when builders spread excavated subsoil over the soil surface and repeatedly drive heavy equipment over it. A hardpan layer close to the surface may be broken up with these steps:

    1. Till the soil to a depth of 1 foot or more.

    2. If tilling is not possible, drill through the hardpan with a soil auger to the porous soil below.

    3. A hardpan layer may require the installation of a French drain and/or water chimneys.

    4. Use raised planting beds and in fill with topsoil.

    You may hear the term ‘caliche’ used when discussing soils.  Caliche (Ca – leach –ee) is layer of soil in which the soil particles are cemented together by calcium carbonate (CaCO3). These concrete-like pieces range in size from one inch to several feet across. Layers of caliche can be loose or may be found in solid formations.  The only time caliche is a problem for plants is when the layers of material doesn’t allow water to drain through it.  Aside from removing the pieces of caliche, there is no practical way to eliminate it from our soils.

    The table below lists common soil problems. Each problem includes indicators to test for the problem, and practices that help or hinder. Use the links in the table to go to the specific information about practices and indicators.

    Problem/Indicators Possible Cause of Problem To Improve Soil Quality

    Bulk density
    Penetration resistance
    Root growth patterns

    Working wet soil
    Excess traffic
    Heavy machinery
    Repeated tillage at same depth
    Excess animal traffic
    Poor aggregation
    Low organic matter
    Avoid working wet soil
    Reduce traffic/tillage operations
    Use controlled traffic patterns
    Avoid using heavy machinery
    Subsoil or rip when soil is not excessively wet or dry
    Alter tillage depth
    Add organic residues
    Diversify cropping system
    Use conservation tillage
    Add cover crops
    Use crop rotations
    Add animal manures
    Use non-compacting tillage (e.g., chisel vs moldboard)
    Crop disease

    Plant health
    Crop vigor

    Compacted layers
    Saturated soil
    Soil pathogen problems
    Nutrient deficiencies or imbalance
    Low organic matter
    Low biological diversity
    Soil test – correct nutrient and pH levels
    Check for pathogens/pests
    Reduce compaction following harvest
    Improve drainage
    Increase organic residue
    Use animal manure
    Add cover crops
    Use crop rotation
    Diversify cropping system

    Aggregate stability
    Soil Crusts

    Excess sodium
    Low organic matter
    Low residues
    Increase organic residues
    Reduce tillage depth
    Use animal manure
    Add cover crops
    For sodium problem – apply gypsum and flush with irrigation water

    Hydraulic conductivity

    Tillage pan
    High water table
    Poor soil structure
    Subsoil to break up tillage pan
    Add drainage system
    Soil life

    Soil respiration
    Microbial biomass
    Pitfall trapping

    Low organic matter
    Low residues
    Excess pesticides or fertilizers
    Excess tillage
    Poor aeration
    Use conservation tillage
    Use crop rotations
    Add cover crops

    Electrical conductivity
    Observe white crust

    Saline seeps
    Saline irrigation water/well
    Shallow water table
    Poor drainage
    Excess evaporation
    Leach excess salts
    Plant deep rooted crops
    Grow salt tolerant crops
    Increase vegetative cover
    Manage irrigation water
    Improve drainage

    Observe rills, gullies
    Topsoil depth
    Aggregate stability

    Lack of cover and residue
    Low organic matter
    Poor aggregation
    Tillage pan or compacted layer
    Tillage practices that move soil down slope
    Excessive tillage
    Intensive crop rotation
    Diversify crop rotations
    Reduce tillage
    Use animal manure
    Use cover crops
    Increase surface residue or roughness
    Shorten slope length
    Plant strip crops
    Use wind breaks

    Aggregate stability
    Soil structure

    Lack of cover and residue
    Low organic matter
    Poor aggregation
    Tillage pan or compacted layer
    Tillage practices that move soil down slope
    Excessive tillage
    Intensive crop rotation
    Add organic residue
    Add animal manure
    Use cover crops
    Diversify crop rotation
    For sodium problem, apply gypsum and flush with irrigation water
    Subsoil or rip when soil is not excessively wet or dry
    Use tillage that preserves soil structure
    Organic matter/ residue

    Organic carbon
    Percent residues

    Excess tillage
    Residue burned off
    Low residue crops
    Too much fallow
    Insufficient additions of crop residue
    Diversify or increase crop rotations
    Add animal manure
    Use cover crops
    Use high residue crops
    Reduce tillage
    Soil pH

    Soil solution pH

    Use of ammonium fertilizers
    No liming
    Soil test – correct pH levels
    Add lime for low pH
    Improve drainage

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